Blog Archives

On Your Marks…

I am registering for the Rock-n-Sole run again this year…  I figure that my experience is almost guaranteed to be better this year…  I saw this and thought I would share…  I am contemplating running a half-marathon in the fall…  I think it is a good “next step”…

Check out this guide to marathon running… Read the rest of this entry

Race Day… (Update)

So, I got an email from the organizers of Summerfest today.  They have decided to offer a partial refund to all participants of the Rock ‘n Sole run.  They are giving us three options:

1.  $15.00 refund

2.  $15.00 donation to Ronald McDonald Charities (the beneficiary of the race proceeds)

3.  Do nothing (money will go to race costs and Ronald McDonald Charities, as originally planned)

Additionally, regardless of the choice made above, we are entitled to a 20% discount on registration for next year, and two additional any-day passes to Summerfest.

It makes me feel better to know that a meaningful apology is being made.  I do not intend to take a refund.  I know that it is expensive to put races together, and it was never about the money for me.  I am glad to be offered a discount on registration for next year.  I think that next year’s race is likely to be outstanding, in an attempt to erase the memories of this year’s race.  And the extra passes to Summerfest are just a bonus, thank you.

As I have more time to think about my experience this year, I realize that I am partially responsible.  I should have brought my own water.  I knew that there were a large number of people registered to run and I should have anticipated that water could be a problem.  I am not saying that I think the organizers are blameless, but I can accept responsibility for looking out for myself.  I will not make that mistake again.  I hope that next year, the organizers and I both get it right, and we can enjoy the event the way we should have this year.


Race Day… (Wow… Seriously?)

I am exhausted, still today.  I have really mixed emotions about my race.  I did finish and I ran the whole thing, but the race itself ended up being a disaster.  I am not sure if they underestimated the number of runners or the effect of the heat and humidity or if they just didn’t know what they were doing, but by the time the 10k race started the water stations were empty.  It was 85° with a heat index over 100° and we were running on a bridge with no shade.  After about 15 minutes, I was roasting and growing more and more frustrated as I passed each empty station.  The only water I had was from a spectator on the other side of the bridge, who had realized what was going on and went to get water for the runners.  He poured water into the mouths of runners as they ran past.  That was around mile 3.  People were collapsing on the bridge, I ran past a woman who being shaded by the shadows of two standing E.M.T.s as she received an I.V.  As I was running up the hill on the return trip across the bridge, I wasn’t sure that I was going to make it.  I decided to start my music playlist over and pretend that I was just starting the race.  I made it up the hill and told myself that if I could do that, I could make it down the hill to the finish line.  I had friends and family waiting for me, which helped.  I sucked it up and smiled for the finish line picture my mom was taking.  My dad met me at the end and gave me a hug.  I immediately started crying, I was so angry that the organizers could have left us out there like that.  I got my finisher’s medal and my water, took off my shoes and stood in the little kids’ fountain on the festival grounds.  Each finisher received a free beer ticket, but it had to be redeemed before 11:00 AM, so I had a beer as we walked home.

My official time was an hour and 30 minutes, which is about 25 minutes longer than normal, but under the circumstances I was just glad to finish.  At least 1300 other runners did not finish.

I was not sure what to expect yesterday, but my experience was completely out of the realm of possible outcomes I had prepared for.  I am very proud that I was able to finish the race.  I also feel like something has been taken from me, the ability to have enjoyed the event.  With the exception of the first 15 minutes of my run, it was grueling.  I expected the race to be hard and I knew that it was going to be hot, but I also expected the organizers to be prepared and not to put us in danger.  I feel sad for the people who were hurt.  And I am afraid that other first time racers may be turned off to racing by this event.  I am looking for a new 10k to run, probably this fall when it’s a little cooler.  And in the mean time, I’ll be buying a water belt.

 (I wore my finisher’s medal all day.  I figured that I had earned that.)

Here’s an article about the race:

Same Old Routine…

I have decided that routine is the way to go…  My mom said something great the other morning, “you do hard stuff all the time, you’ll be fine”…  And she is right…  I am just going to run like any other day…  I’m not wearing the race t-shirt, because I usually run in a tank top…  I’m going to follow my routine and I will finish without walking, exactly the way I said I would when I set this goal in January…

I’ll post some race pictures next week…

Rock-n-Sole…  Here I come…

Don’t forget to smile 🙂

Hello Nerves, I’ve Been Expecting You…

So this week is going to pretty much be a “run talk” week.  I am starting to get a little nervous.  Worrying about the weather:  too hot, too still, too windy, storms, etc…  Worrying about the course:  the HILL x 2…  Worrying about some kind of clumsy injury between now and then…  I am running a mile or so either tonight or tomorrow, probably up and down the North Avenue hill a couple times, then I am done running until race day.  I am going to do yoga on the beach on Saturday, which should be a good way to stretch out and relax.  My parents are coming into town on Saturday and we’re planning to go to Summerfest (a big music festival on the lake).  My sister is coming into town tonight on her way to Las Vegas, so hopefully we can relax a little bit this evening.  Just trying to remind myself to breathe and that I will do just fine.

Ready To Get It In…

I picked up my race packet last night.  I have my t-shirt, my number and some “swag”.  I am so excited for my race.  I ran yesterday morning, but I overslept and my mind was elsewhere, so my run was not great; right around 2 miles.  After I picked up my race packet, I was excited to get my last long run before the race done.  I ran 6.5 miles last night, so 8.5 miles for the day.  It feels so good to feel your muscles jumping, but not hurting after a hard workout.

I have decided to make the p90x commitment after my race.  At the end of my 90 days, I want to be able to do 10 one-armed push-ups.  I have heard from friends that this workout is a killer and I am excited for the challenge.  I already have my calendar ready.


Feels Like Summer…

I decided to switch things up this morning; I was getting bored with the course of my 3-mile run.  Rather than run through the city streets, I mapped out a course along the lake, including an off-road hill and some stairs.  It was definitely a more challenging workout, but having the lake view made it really enjoyable.  I watched the beachfront boot camp as I ran past and it reminded me of how excited I am for my summer fitness line-up.  I start my outdoor hula hooping class on Thursday and I have committed to hula hooping in the GermanFest Parade at the end of July.  I start my beach yoga class on Saturday.  My race is just around the corner; 10k on July 10th.  The sailing season has started and I am trying to get out on the water every weekend.  I am wait listed for the Dirty Girl Run in August and will be volunteering for the 5k mud-run regardless of whether or not I get to participate.  And just in case I have any extra energy, my 6-year-old god-daughter has learned to ride a bicycle and she is begging me to take her out on the weekends.  As you can see, it was not difficult for me to fill the summer with fun ways to get outside and exercise, I hope you can do the same.

Sleep? I’ll Do That Later…

I know that I don’t get enough sleep.  On average, I probably get between five and six hours of sleep during the week.  I don’t have a problem falling asleep or staying asleep; mostly my problem is actually getting into bed.  I work long hours.  I leave my house around 7:30 am and I am never home before 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday.  I prefer to workout in the evening.  I have yoga one night a week, run three nights a week and weight train at least one night a week.  My workouts are generally between and hour and an hour and a half, so by the time that I am home and showered it is usually 9:00 pm.  Call me crazy, but I need some “me” time.  I am a big sports fan, so I want to watch a game or watch a t.v. show or read a book or maybe actually have a life and go out to do something in the evening.  Either way, I am rarely in bed before midnight or 1 am.  I am functioning on this schedule, but I am also fairly certain that my running would be easier and my weight loss may improve if I could find a way to get more sleep.  This week I have started running in the morning before work; to free up my evenings.  My body isn’t particularly excited about it, but change isn’t easy.  My goal for next week is to be in bed by 11 pm.

If you would like to know about some the surprising benefits of sleep, check out this article from,,20459221_1,00.html

So I Decided to Keep Going…

Sunday is my long-run day.  Right now that means five miles.  My race is getting closer, a little more than a month left to train.  This week I decided that it was a probably a good idea for me to start running my long-runs in the morning, because my race is in the morning.  Working out in the morning is difficult for me; my body just does not appreciate waking up and getting moving on that level.  Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find an evening race, so morning it is.

I woke up this Sunday and it was very foggy, so I figured that at the very least, it wouldn’t be a hot run.  After about two miles it started raining and I love to run in the rain.  It feels cleansing to my soul.  I ran along the lake and made it through my hills without much trouble.  As I was nearing my five-mile mark I realized that I wasn’t tired or sore, so I decided to keep going.  I ended up running six and a half miles and I could have gone further, but I was already late for the rest of my day.

It was very exhilarating to realize that I had run my 10k.  I feel confident that I won’t have any problem on race day.  I know that my body can do it, and it feels amazing to say that.